Hackensack Campus: Children’s Service 11am
Drop-off times are between 10:50 - 11:20 am only.
Please make sure to register all your children using the Kidmin app.
We offer a drop-off service for all our infants 0-24 months. We have trained teachers and volunteers who will gladly watch your infants during the entire service and create a safe and fun atmosphere to make the transition a little easier and parents can participate fully in the worship service. For parents who want to remain with their infants, we also offer a live audio stream in the main lobby.
NURSERY (0-24 months)
Our Pre-K is an interactive, Scripture-based ministry that incorporates sermons, music, crafts, and snacks. Our teachers and volunteers are dedicated to praying and serving the families at New Mercy. No child is too young to know and love Jesus.
PRE-K (2-5 years)
Our vision is to partner with parents to teach, equip, and nourish the next generation with biblical truth. Children will experience the joy of knowing Jesus through Bible stories, worship and praise, activity time, and fellowship. We start with a large group for our children's Sunday service and then move into small groups for a more intimate Bible study and age-appropriate activity time.
ELEMENTARY (K-5th grades)
Here at New Mercy, we value intergenerational worship. Our youth group attends the 11 am service with the adults participating in the worship together. Then take turns with junior high and senior high school leaving the service for individualized Bible Study during the sermon time. There is also Friday Night Fellowship (FNF), a youth gathering held at our church office every Friday night. We also have outings and activities throughout the year.
YOUTH GROUP (6-12th grades)
If you have any questions about our education ministry, please email education@newmercy.church.
Social Media and Online Resources
Please come join us on social media. We are on Instagram @newmercyeducation! This is a private instagram account for members and parents of New Mercy. We have been uploading our weekly messages and activity lessons as well as sharing pictures of our kids and teachers.
Safety and Masks
CPR + First Aid: Safety is one of our most important priorities so we have personnel who are certified in CPR, first aid, Epipen, and emergency protocol by the American Red Cross.
We also use the KidMin app for check-in for every child. All infants and children are then walked back into the education wing. We now require Permission Slips for picture usage and bathroom help for every child, and all our teachers and volunteers are background-checked.
Communication and Emails
If you are not receiving emails from the Education department please contact education@newmercy.church and we will make sure you are put on our email list.