"Genesis; The Foundation" led by Pastor Hudson
When: Mondays, 8PM (starting January 27th)
Location: New Mercy Hub
Description: We will study together the first 12 chapters of the Book of Genesis. This course will cover the "beginnings" of how God laid the foundation of the world. We will have lectures and discussions to raise intriguing questions regarding these foundational chapters.
Listening Prayer
"Listening Prayer" led by Pastor Lisa
When: Tues Nights (Jan. 28, Feb 4, Feb 11) at 8PM (Must be able to make all days)
Location: New Mercy Hub
Description: God is speaking at all times. We will learn how to recognize his voice and learn other tools on how to pray.
Book Study
"The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" led by Pastor Josh
When: Thursdays, 7:30PM (Starting February 6th) for 5 weeks
Location: New Mercy Hub
Description: This book club will be going through 4 spiritual formation practices to slow down our lives and deepen our spirituality.